the following reportback from BB23 is reproduced with permission from The Chaos Star #31
thorn: no sleep before big drive
rose: our ride is a giant bed
thorn: toll evasions thwarted
Rose: accidental 2am fieldtrip to Jackson (5) family home
Rose: “we miss michicheal jacksom”
Rose: squat is popping, 30 guests
Rose: topless with pajama pants and full pack pacing in festive
rose: emboldened squatting practice in this other city means space is
super useful and full of life, helpful reminder for p-noid new yorkers
rose: connecting between cities on some housing law nerd shit
Thorn: bragadocious squatters brag about squatting until 6am, no sleep π
Rose: tiqqun library in the toilet tag
Thorn: sex work and opacity conversation
Thorn: barely a mention of glissant
Thorn: non-full service workers speaking, suggest camming against FS: “thats how we get killed”
thorn: assumptions that the room is all white collar workers with
private computer access
Thorn: white anarchos misapplying black & decolonial theorists again
rose: (A) critique of surveillance and extraction of tech
rose/thorn: inevitable slide into massive confusing argument
thorn: false binary of disability justice vs. tech negativity
thorn: lack of consideration for disabled comrades continues to push
people to defensiveness
thorn: metaverse accessibility is not a neutral force!!
thorn: “build our own computers”/”mastadon”
thorn: nobody heeds warning of (A) roots of twitter
rose: abolish spoons
rose: rigorous debate in non-academic space
rose: cemetery
rose: generative conflict
rose: punch in the face with a hug afterwards
thorn: maroon-baiting
thorn: “implement the program”
rose: immediate allergy to bullshit
rose: entire room ayoooooooooooooo at mention of maoist influence
rose/thorn: kneejerk antagonism towards presenters
rose: instinctive anti-authoritarianism
thorn: petty schisms
Thorn: electric folk punk
Rose: homegirl fall over wasted off the hacker moonshine
rose/thorn: queer punk means not knowing how to play instruments
Rose/thorn: a third band? no, same band back for a 2nd set
thorn: peeing outside while wearing jumpsuit
Rose: house music on the regular radio cuz chicagooo
rose: golf courses=public sex forests
thorn: hard to get freaky with distant blue n reds
rose: Chinatown roof
thorn: missing all the morning workshops
thorn: capitalism hours
thorn: Β talk colluding with liberal representatives for a
lesser of two evils outcome in face of queer extermination
thorn: big city coastal nihilist cant understand the situation
in rural south need to learn to appreciate and respect projects
for life that are different from the familiar
thorn: not learning more about whats going on in other places
because of narrow ideological lens
rose: personal growth
rose: actual inter-generational shit
thorn: inevitably involves distrust, disappointment, resentment
rose: but we can learn from it
thorn: beef
thorn: we’re bad at strategy
rose: we’re good at magic
rose: we will never stop learning from the forest
rose: outside of civ traditional signals of gender become murky,
new opportunities for embodiment and play with understandings of gender
and sexuality emerge
thorn: panels packed, hard to hear
thorn: our people always dying
rose/thorn: crying
rose: dedication of memorial to fallen queer anarchists in library parking lot
rose: unexpected reunions with surviving friends from bygone eras
rose: seeing hard-living friends healthy and in community despite all odds
rose/thorn: bonds of shared traumas, shaky communality around oakland f*re for first time in years
thorn: nagging feeling of being outside what we are inside of
rose: hammer times, new 1page (A)team newsletter from gay area
thorn: people picking up food from restaurant spray eachother down with rubbing alcohol
thorn: not a gamer
rose: ‘orgy of violence’
thorn: cellphone bad, don’t bring cellphone weirdo
thorn: shaky starts
thorn: things still happen
rose: re-decorations abound
rose: squat party
rose: getting buffed at “lawless” squat
rose: trolling the trolls
rose: many tables of free zines
rose: a boulder on the tracks bookstore
rose: best/free-est/most interesting bookfair in recent memory!
thorn: white mf’s dont like listening to criticism
thorn: we have bigger problems than white dreads
thorn: there’s a whooooole lot of beefs going on
thorn: violence on easy target for frustration with bigger issues
thorn: oogle blood feud
rose: the earth keeps birthing oogles and they keep getting gayer and more fearless
thorn: lil black cart closing
rose: “is everything free?”
“yes take whatever you want”
“ok” picks up all the rocks acting as paperweights, zines fly everywhere
rose: pranks
thorn: no table flipping
thorn: pro cheating zine
rose: keeping @ off of the internet and in paper form
rose: timeless trash food table never goes out of style, hot soymilk cereal for 2pm breakfast
rose: all beach is topless beach when we are a mob!
thorn: slabs bad for cumrades who cant swim
rose: great lakes blow minds of coastal peoples
rose: surprise friends roll up dirty-faced
rose: bird sanctuary
thorn:dudes with cameras saying homophobic shit
rose: bashing back
Rose: butt naked covid mask beatdown on beach bros
thorn: pigs
thorn: barefoot FNB guy cuffed and confused
rose: released
thorn: ppl talking to cops to justify our actions
rose: cops get shooed away
rose: bluetooth speaker fuck the police real loud
thorn: supposed foodstamp citibike access doesn’t work across state lines
rose: fearless identity burner to the rescue!
rose: riding bikes is actually just the best
Rose: true rave in bando with sex room and dangerous roof
thorn: sex room involves lots of screaming and distant sounds of breaking glass
Rose: participatory hedonism and exploration
thorn: unbeknownst to attendees, promotion on Resident Advisor makes for some weird not-our-team voyeurism
thorn: smashing windows at abandoned building feels like the anarchist version of axe-throwing bars
rose: spray paint
rose/thorn: anti-rave demo
rose: blocced up and tagging around the party
thorn: putting down traffic cones
thorn: “no superspreaders, eugenics=/=fun, rave=ableist genocide”
thorn: beefs between people with similar experiences and desires are the most heartbreaking
rose: never-ending critique is not necessarily a bad thing if we abandon hope for simplistic unity and embrace chaos and divergence π
rose: ecstatic anti-appelist conspiracy
rose: gaining language and a sharpened critique for a formerly-isolated gut feeling
thorn: the gut feeling is real
thorn: planning crazy shit all weekend means local friends barely have time to have fun
rose: party is a success
thorn: missing workshops
rose: taking care of your run-down body
rose[/thorn]: squatters across oceans commune about rising repression and lack of tenant protections
rose: international perspectives on migrant solidarity
rose: group excursion brings home team closer together
rose: DIY wingnut intellectualism *and* messy action
rose: dialogue of actions, not words
thorn: no one can throw a decent punch
rose: no one can throw a decent punch
thorn: no road head