Repoosted from: Rose City Counter-Info
on the day be4 trans day of rage a group of 300000000000000000000(uwu we can;t count_) very excitedddd and angy violent fagg0ts beat TF out of some smelly ass terfs in so called portland and left them crying, bruIsed, covered in mace, tomoto(tamyto?) juice, and BLOOOOOOOOOD~ XDDD!!!1!! while some people werre planing on just tossng some pies (LAAAAAAMMEEEE)) we thought it would be waaaayyy more useful (aand fun :3) to leave them suuuuuuper f*cked up by giving them mAce, delicious asphalt to taste and some refreshing soda delivered 500 (still can[t count :P) mph at there tacky ass haircutzzzz to wash all that downnnn hahahaha LUUUUlzszzz…what waz SUPER not sexy tho was that sum big dummiez done LAME and embarassing things like tankies who ran when the !!!1VioWeNcE!!!1!! strted :((((((( also stupid dum liberals who twied to make it stwop (;M;) becuz they were afwayed….,. BOO HOO bitchezzz!!! What WAS sexzy tho was when the terfs got their phnes and go-pwos left in peices on the pavement becuz we didnt want them to get our beatufiul and glamerous faces on camera, or call those nasty fucks they call the powice teeheeeee uwwwwuuuuu~~~~~!!!!!!!!1!!!1 W3 only wish that more of the 3000000000000000000000 (see beginng) faggotz were prepared to do moar. we hope Th0se brave brave brave “adult human femalezzz” know that their will never be space in any place for them :3..we will follow them wherever they show their raggedy ass white dressez and knockoff prom queen sashes,,, from coast to coast, the ends of the earth… You are not safe. You never will be..Sooooooooo NEXT time you try and show those freaky wittle faaces of urs it will be SOOOOOOO mch worse, like omg, we were going SOOOOOO soffftttt, grrl u dont even knowwwwww hahahahhahahaahhahahahhahahahahah LUUUUUUULLLLLL <3<3<3<3, so think on your bruises and look at them real well and consider how lucky you really are 😉 BAAAIiii!!!! kissezzz!!! mwaaahh~~~!!! XD
– 5 billion (?) sexy, freaky, HAAAWWWTTTTT (tr)anarchists