Reposted from Rose City Counter-Info
This weekend members of the Trans Exterminationist “Women’s Declaration International” and “Women’s Liberation Front” came to Portland to attempt a conference and rally at a public library in Portland. It went badly for them. Like really really badly.
Shortly after the TERFs arrived on Saturday, Rose City Antifa posted an article with screen recordings of their zoom meeting, in which the pie eating, eternal enemy of anarchism, WDI and WoLF leader Lierre Keith openly admitted that the group’s “feminism” is a cover to spread hatred of trans people. In that same call she ordered the group to follow her “non violent direct action” strategy in which the TERFs submit to being attacked in order to film it so as to make trans people “look bad”. More on that later
Following RCA releasing their article, the terfs began to completely lose their shit having realized that they had been infiltrated. They immediately started to fight viciously with each other and accuse each other of secretly being trans. While this on its own is hilarious, it was just the start.
On Sunday morning the TERFs woke up to find that all the cars parked at their airbnb had had their tires slashed. Shaken by this vandalism they debated whether to still hold their rally and multiple TERFs dropped out.
The TERFs, in their endless cycle of poor-decision making, decided to go ahead with the rally anyway. When they arrived to the area they found that the neighborhood had been covered with posters of their faces and that pressure from counterdemonstrators had caused the library to close for safety concerns.
They set up their rally a few blocks away and it wasn’t long before the counterdemo found them and according to the WDI twitter they “pepper sprayed, punched, kicked, and threw objects at them [the terfs] while stealing and breaking their phones and cameras.”
We were delighted to hear that the terfs had allegedly gotten their shit absolutely rocked. What makes this absolutely hilarious, is that the terfs had unintentionally COVERED the bodycams they were wearing in order to capture footage of them being attacked which was the ENTIRE POINT OF THE EVENT!
A point that some (including the RCA article linked earlier) have made was that attacking TERFs at the rally would only give them what they want, which is to make trans people “look bad” and to make themselves look like victims, and so people ought to have abstained from attacking them.
We have zero patience for takes like these which are essentially just a regurgitation of respectability politics and peace policing. When there are people not only spewing genocidal rhetoric but actively collaborating with the violence of the state against trans people, do not be surprised when trans people bash back. And if the TERFs want to get fucked up, that is a request that we should readily oblige, and we should oblige it in a way that makes them absolutely regret it, which it seems like is what happened on Sunday.
Nothing but love to all the violent queers who showed up to kick the transphobes out of Portland!