Category: General
They have always called us bourgeois, selfish, counterrevolutionary, and unproductive. Parasitic, undesirable and unserious. Because we are poets, artists, punks, sodomites, cocksuckers and shit-talkers, exhausted mediators and throwers of hands, because we are sisters, lovers and friends. Because our allegiance is first and foremost to each other.
Of course we are critical. And for this, we have been shit upon literally forever. Against this world and its structures, we continually come up against its replicas. “The movement would have won if you hadn’t sabotaged it with your stupid feelings and impossible demands.” Simply put, “Shut up.” Continue reading “A GENERALIZED THEORY OF FRIVOLITY”
Vandalism in Solidarity with Palestinian Resistance
On Wednesday A17, one of Paul E. Singer’s two $15 million dollar Aspen residences was vandalized in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance. This is why:
Paul E. Singer’s hedge fund, Elliot Investment Management, controls about $71 billion in assets, including $847 million worth of shares in Howmet Aerospace Inc, which produces parts for the F-35 fighter jets given to the zionist entity by president Biden. Over the past two years Singer has donated $2 million to United Democracy Project – AIPAC’s super PAC. Singer gave $5 million to the now defunct Israel Project, a zionist communications org that published the 2009 Global Language Dictionary, a hasbara playbook. Continue reading “Vandalism in Solidarity with Palestinian Resistance”
A Big Gay Invite to Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair
From June 28 to 30, 2024, Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair (ACAB) will once again converge on so-called Asheville, NC, opening a space for all of us committed to liberation and world-building in the here and now to plot and play, mourn and love, co-educate and collaborate. The ACAB collective invites you to join us!
The bookfair, an anarchist ritual of spiritual recovery, carves out time and space to gather and rethink our strategies for destroying this world in order to open the door for many others.
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Call for CrimethInc Critiques
We’re seeking critiques of the CrimethInc Ex-Workers Collective, by anarchists and fellow travelers, to compile, ideally into a book.
Whether friendly or hostile, analytical or relational, timely or outdated, in principle we’re open to a wide range of takes, as long as it seems clear that the subject of criticism is the specific group – and/or its social milieu – rather than anti-authoritarianism in the abstract.
If you’re interested in making suggestions or collaborating on production, feel free to comment here or get in touch by email:
2024 NE Bash Back Convergence!
𝚜ᴇ𝚡ʏ ғʀᴇᴀ𝚘̨𝚜 sᴇᴇᴋ 𝓼ᴇ𝔁ʏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ for Ⓐ 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮~! ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ʙᴜɪʟᴅɪɴɢ ꜱᴋɪʟʟꜱ & ʙᴏɴᴅꜱ ᴡ/ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sᴇxʏ ғʀᴇᴀǫs ✨
Do you favour a bitchin time making connections with queer anarchists? Gaining or helping to gain a skill? Do you desire time with others that could be hot and spicy in the streets and the sheets? With time afterward to wine and dine? Well, we got that all here, and it’s all kinds of fucking queer. We are gearing up for Bash Back! 24 NE REGIONALS in Philly!
Continue reading “2024 NE Bash Back Convergence!”
First Annual Smash By Smash West
An Invitation & Call to Action for the First Annual Smash By Smash West
March 8-16
Every Spring, South by Southwest brings a flood of tourists, celebrities, politicians, technocrats, venture capitalists, military officials, professional activists, and the elite, showcasing the cutting edge of Capital, its left and right wings fused in an unholy alliance to chart out the future of Empire’s hell-worlds. For Austin, this week is simultaneously the economic lifeblood of the City and a period of intensified exploitation and dispossession—homeless encampments swept away, neighborhoods colonized for South By-oriented development and hypergentrification, precarious workers pushed to their limit physically and financially. SXSW is a time when our enemies come together to connect, think together, strategize, and develop new ways of acting that consolidate their power.
We propose something different: Smash By Smash West, a week of action and counter-summit for those of us struggling against this world where we can connect, commune, conspire, think together, and develop new ways of acting that undermine the rule of our enemies and build our collective powers. While the conference is a show of strength for the ruling order, we believe that we can turn our enemy’s strengths into weaknesses, and their weaknesses into opportunities. For this week and beyond, we invite comrades and fellow travelers to begin gathering, hosting events, and taking strategic action with these shared goals in mind. We also invite the locals who, year after year, self-organize a plethora of “SXSW Unofficial” events to use those events to take action against SXSW’s most harmful effects, politicizing them as explicitly anti-SXSW instead of providing the festival with free advertising.
Smash By is not an organization, an activist campaign, a call to directly fight or end SXSW, or a platform to make demands from the powers that be. It is a radical alternative; an invitation to exploit the opportunities that are created by infrastructural overload, to engage in creative and courageous disruption wherever possible, and to plant seeds for more ambitious actions with more preparation in the years to come. Whether your plans feature cultural programming, education, care work, action, or anything in between, enact them without waiting for permission. Self-organize with friends to the best of your ability; and be co-responsible for the spaces we make together. Smash By Smash West is an open brand that you can use for all activities you take in the spirit of this invitation, that are not part of and express antagonism to SXSW.
Send either the announcement or reportback (depending on the activity) to and we’ll spread the word on our social media and calendar. We’ve provided logos and other materials in our drive for you to use as you see fit. Reach out at if you have questions or need support. We will do our best to assist you, though we offer no guarantees due to our limited resources and capacities.
Beyond South By And Its Future
Twitter & Instagram: @smashxsmashwest
Brooklyn, NY: Squat Defense Ongoing
For the past week, squatters and friends have defended Skull Squat in Brooklyn from shady developers and their goons attempting to break-in, lock out residents, and demolish the building. After forcing entry three days in a row with hammers and angle grinders, the developers have been turned away for the past two days by dozens of punks, anarchists, neighbors, and friends. The building has been squatted for six months by six black, brown, and white transgender anarchists.
Continue reading “Brooklyn, NY: Squat Defense Ongoing”
A look back at the “Defend Trans Youth” counter-protest
On October 21st, more than a thousand people acted on a call to counter-protest for the defence of trans youth’s rights and inclusive sex ed, called by a coalition of queer and antifascist groups including the Pink Bloc. This call was officially endorsed by more than fifty organisations, including unions, student associations, teacher associations, feminist groups, militant collectives, community sector organisations, and more.
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Report-back from the October 21st Counter-demonstration in Defense of Trans Youth
Saturday, October 21 in Montreal saw a face-off between a shrinking coalition of religious conservative transphobes and a counter-protest in defense of trans youth. TL;DR: trans defenders won.
Called as a Canada-wide day of action by “1 Million March for Children”, with the group “Ensemble pour protéger nos enfants” (hereafter EPPNE; “Together to protect our children”) leading the Montreal event, it was the follow-up to the clashes on September 20th in front of McGill University. That day, an unexpectedly large crowd, mostly composed of Muslim families, with children holding signs reading “I belong to my parents” and shouting transphobic and homophobic insults, confronted an underprepared counter-protest and succeeded in marching through downtown Montreal, leaving trans defenders and their queer and antifascist comrades shaken.
Continue reading “Report-back from the October 21st Counter-demonstration in Defense of Trans Youth”