***Only use this submission form through Tor or a VPN!***
Use this encrypted form to make submissions to Bash Back News™. The form encrypts your message before delivering to our protonmail. You can use a fake email address, such as fake@email.com (be creative!).
It is recommended that you type your submission into a text document and then copy/paste it into the form. Text entered directly into the form might get lost (for example, if you get the captcha wrong or the page reloads for any other reason).
You may also submit directly to bashbacknews@proton.me, but you must encrypt your message using our public key:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- xjMEZQXjJRYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAOwANBDxbX2mj7a/1LFrHFAKRszA6I4Rw glrXX5kGAkrNL2Jhc2hiYWNrbmV3c0Bwcm90b24ubWUgPGJhc2hiYWNrbmV3 c0Bwcm90b24ubWU+wowEEBYKAD4FgmUF4yUECwkHCAmQ/noGcjdCLm0DFQgK BBYAAgECGQECmwMCHgEWIQQuY1Em13i4szd1rg7+egZyN0IubQAANjMA/RGv xcSF7ax1tlFvOwJYL0udrqeJL2y1UaHL3J3toTGiAP4u1QxTl5Fwm0yLyRHI +Y3m8XPveP7eDSY6oW9hTgl8AM44BGUF4yUSCisGAQQBl1UBBQEBB0AeeXLa Fx+Wf1+hU8PJ7az3elwlr4cIY/VeGboQ0RXHVAMBCAfCeAQYFggAKgWCZQXj JQmQ/noGcjdCLm0CmwwWIQQuY1Em13i4szd1rg7+egZyN0IubQAAvIcBAImj TbGkWpscVvO4GeSJ+KomoG06n59BRvSZNVt/KGlgAP9aR/I3yrwZesK9ugpL 4Wk7GbyrWLiEMg/I1gcXPf6TCA== =OlGU -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----